Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib (Amritsar) show

Summary: DHANAASAREE, FIFTH MEHL, TWELFTH HOUSE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: I bow in reverence to the Lord, I bow in reverence. I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, my King. || Pause || By great good fortune, one meets the Divine Guru. Millions of sins are erased by serving the Lord. || 1 || One whose mind is imbued with the Lord’s lotus feet is not afflicted by the fire of sorrow. || 2 || He crosses over the world-ocean in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. He chants the Name of the Fearless Lord, and is imbued with the Lord’s Love. || 3 || One who does not steal the wealth of others, who does not commit evil deeds or sinful acts — the Messenger of Death does not even approach him. || 4 || God Himself quenches the fires of desire. O Nanak, in God’s Sanctuary, one is saved. || 5 || 1 || 55 || Hukamnama from