446 MeMeMeMeMe

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> For the past 24 hours, I’ve been hearing it. Mememememe. And typically when I hear something repeatedly it’s because God is speaking to me and asking me to share. You see, yesterday was my birthday. It was the first birthday of my life I didn’t have my Daddy here to sing to me. Every year for 43 years my Daddy would greet me with Mememememe, then the most ridiculous, boisterous rendition of Happy Birthday. To say I missed that yesterday is an understatement, however I heard it throughout the entire day. So, it’s today’s devotional, courtesy of my Daddy and my big Papa God.<br> The 5 me’s. How God is speaking to me and what he has asked me to share with you.<br> Me #1: God created me for a BIG Life.<br> And what he did for me, he did for you as well. Genesis 1:27 says “God created human beings in his own image.” I take this to mean two things. First, he created you as the human likeness of himself, and second, he first imagined you, then he formed you. Our God is BIG. Bigger than anything we can possibly fathom or imagine. Scripture tells us he measured the entire universe between his outstretched thumb and pinky. Yo, that’s BIG. And God created me and you in his own image. We were created for a BIG life! He had BIG things in mind when he formed you, chose you, and gave you breath. He wasn’t playing little. He didn’t settle for you. No, you were his first choice. You are his best. You have all the potential for a BIG Life right inside of you, just as God imagined.<br> Me #2: If I’m living little, that’s on me.<br> Yes, life happens. It happens to all of us. But it was never meant to beat us down and keep us down. Life happens because first we live in a fallen world. Girl, this isn’t heaven and perfection isn’t found here. You can stop holding your breath for things to be all better. Life calms down when we die, that’s called flatline. Until then it will be a constant series of ups and downs. This is the heartbeat of life. If you’re sitting it out, afraid of failure, you’re missing out. Playing it safe isn’t what you were create for honey. 2 Corinthians 6: 12 &amp; 13 in the Message translation reads “Your lives aren’t small, but you’re living them in a small way. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!” If you feel stuck, that’s because you’re living little. If you feel bored, that’s because you’re living little. If you feel restless and unfilled, that’s because you’re living little. It’s all a sign you were created for MORE but you’ve settled for less. How do you stop living in this “small way” that scripture refers to? Read the next verse. “Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively.” Translation … girl live BIG! Dare to do big things. Dare to take a risk and fail. Dare to go for it and know if you fall, God’s got you! Life happens to all of us who are alive, and maybe it’s for your benefit. Maybe the setback is a setup for your success. Maybe you’re getting ready to be launched into your destiny and first you’re being pulled back like the arrow. Uhhhh huhhhh, that’s what I’m talking about.<br> Me #3: God is for me, not against me.<br> At it’s core, this is a life changing truth. After life touches us a few times, we begin to believe somehow we’re being punished. We’re a disappointment. We’re a failure. We’re a hopeless “less than” version of what we were created to be. But understand this, God looks at you and all he sees is exactly who he created you to be. He knows what’s inside of you because he put it there. He’s rearranging heaven and earth to help you get on the path that takes you to the best life available to you, to fulfill your purpose and live up to your greatest potential.