445 When You Can’t Find Your Way

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> If you know me, you know I love a good adventure. I have a unique skill set of turning most anything into an adventure. If you and I are going to spend time together, what I most want is to have an adventure together. I want to do something for the first time. I want to see something new. I want to experience something worth talking about. I want to take it to the edge, think maybe we’re dying, but totally live to tell about it. I want you and I to create a good story together.<br> I have an adventure partner. This adventure partner of mine is a lover of all things outdoors and naturey. Her name is Christel and if you’re a member of BIG Life Mentoring, you know her. She’s the super inspiring one who’s lost like 150 pounds, loves without limits and will cheer you on as if helping you succeed is her one mission in life. Christel and I both love to go hiking. We pack 5 star picnics in our backpacks and pick a new trail somewhere within a 4 hour drive of one of our homes and we make time to have our adventure.<br> One summer we hiked the Pigeon Creek Trail along the shores of Lake Norfork in Arkansas. If I were leaving a review of this trail I would say 2 thumbs down, zero stars. However, it did deliver my wish of “take us to the edge, think maybe w’ere dying, but totally live to tell about it.”<br> Now, what I’m about to tell you I must first preface with a truth … I get lost in the mall. I’ve seriously walked around a Walmart parking lot for a good 10 minutes convinced someone has stolen my car because I can’t find where I parked it. But Christel, well I feel confident adventuring about with Christel. She’s never lost. She’s like an undercover park ranger. She knows every animal, looks up at the placement of the sun, and uses great logic when navigating. And me … well I’m just wondering when we’re whipping out the soup we packed and if it’s legal for me to take one of these pinecones home for my fall decorations.<br> Less than a mile into our mighty adventure hike we came to an intersection. One trail turned into 3 trails with markings that made absolutely no sense. And when I say no sense, I mean like there’s a single tree with 2 arrows and they’re pointing at each other. But Christel, my trusty hiking guide with a built in compass, makes the wise decision to always stay right. Every intersection, we stay right. Easy enough.<br> Well … something went wrong. Really, really wrong. And hours and hours later we realize we are lost. Like for real lost. Like holy crap this is how people die lost. Like I feel like we’re in a bad movie lost. Like it’s time to whip out our phones and call for help lost. But wait … we have no service. WE ARE LOST.<br> Ya’ll, we were 10 MILES lost. It was hot, we were out of water and our GPS showed us walking in circles. With every new split in the trail and totally uncertain choice, we both realized just how lost we were.<br> And I began to pray out loud … “Lord, we have loved this adventure. It has been grand. But you see, we’re kinda lost. We don’t know where we are, BUT YOU KNOW WHERE WE ARE.” The words were still coming out of my mouth when the view through the thick trees to our left revealed the sweet sweet sight of pavement!<br> All this time, we were wandering around in circles on the windy paths, whipping out our cell phones trying to be smart and download maps, read our GPS, discover where North was (well Christel was doing that – knowing where North was would have done me zero good) all the while God knew exactly where we were and HE COULD MAKE OUR PATHS STRAIGHT.<br> Isaiah 41:10 says “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”<br>