The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary: how to journal<br>  <br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're doing things a bit differently. We'll be chatting about:<br> <br> How to know you are made for more<br> How to journal for self-confidence growth<br> How to get free personal coaching from me to help you show up for your journaling self and potential growth that is awaiting you<br> <br> SPONSORSHIP NOTE: <br> Grab a seat at www.trishblackwell.com/freedomjournal<br>  <br>  <br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK:<br> Life changing podcast! - 5 stars, by Lavenderpinkk<br> I wanna say that I am better because of this podcast and I've only been listening for a week! I am a Christian and had looked into therapy for anxiety and depression and amongst another podcast I found Trish and this podcast is fueling my confidence in myself and changing the way I think. My favorite part is that Trish teaches valuable principles and incorporates Biblical truth which to me means everything. I recommend this podcast 1000 percent!<br> <br> HOW TO KNOW YOU ARE MADE FOR MORE:<br> You are.<br> It's truth.<br> If you don't believe me, listen to my podcast on this, episode #329, "You're Not Just Average, Here's How to Believe It," which you can listen to directly at www.trishblackwell.com/329<br> HOW TO JOURNAL FOR SELF-CONFIDENCE GROWTH:<br> Identify what serves you or stagnates you.<br> Know what is toxic or what is true.<br> Understand the deep power of your mind and thoughts.<br> Believe in the transformation of your mind.<br> LET'S DO THIS TOGETHER:<br> When it comes to doing a journal, we all need accountability to start. This isn't about self-discipline, it's about creating time and space, and understanding the priority and power that you have available to you. So, let's create a habit, shall we?<br> ANNOUNCEMENTS:<br> People sometimes ask me for what to do, how to grow and say they're going to join me in the COC "when they're ready." And here's the thing y'all, if you're not ready now, then honestly, I don't think you ever will be. That "not ready" attitude is simply a reflection of your belief that either my coaching doesn't work or that you aren't worth the investment. Sure, you might say you're too busy, but if you were 100% sure that making time for your growth would make your life 10x better than it currently is, wouldn't you make the time?<br> You were made for more. And if you're listening and have felt your mind and heart and life changed from my free coaching content, then you can be sure that what I offer in the COC, my paid coaching content, will blow your socks off.  Typically, I spend 10% of my creative energy on my podcasting content, and 90% of my creative energy on my paid coaching content - if that gives you some behind-the-scenes understanding of what would really be different.<br> So, stop overthinking, stop waiting for the right time, stop making excuses, and just come join us, okay? Now is when you are ready - let's get you to that next level in your life, let's get bold, courageous, and confident &gt; www.collegeofconfidence.com<br> LISTENER OF THE EPISODE:<br> Jodile35 from IG.<br> "Hi Trish, I listened to one of your confidence podcasts this morning on the way to work. I just want to say it MADE MY MORNING  ( was struggling this morning). Your words made all the difference and I wanted you to know that. :)