Daily Words of the Buddha for October 10, 2019

Daily Words of the Buddha show

Summary: Susukhaṃ vata jīvāma, verinesu averino. Verinesu manussesu, viharāma averino. Listen Happy indeed we live, friendly amidst the hostility. Amidst hostile people we dwell free from hatred. Dhammapada 15.197 View Pāli on Tipitaka.org The Dhammapada: The Buddha's Path of Wisdom, translated from Pāli by Acharya Buddharakkhita https://store.pariyatti.org/Dhammapada-The-BP203ME-Pocket-Version_p_2513.html Pariyatti is a non-profit organization supported by purchases and contributions. http://store.pariyatti.org/donate.html -- Our monthly e-newsletter includes specials from time to time. You can subscribe at: www.pariyatti.org/ResourcesProjects/News/tabid/125/Default.aspx