Lum and Abner – The Mysterious Box. 450503

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Grandpap enters the store to find it divided. Should he do business with “Honest Abner” or in Lum’s Emporium? The bickering friends tell how the phone is on the dividing line, and the receiver is on Abner’s side, while the transceiver is Lum’s. <br> The phone troubles mean Lum can’t tell who he’s talking with. It also cost him a ;long distant chat with Miss Emiline. The bickering mellows when a box is delivered. Since grandpap is on hand, he is tasked with being the go between to talk to the stranger in the store. <br> The man has an important appointment in Washington, but his package can’t be shipped for several days. What’s in the box? What kind of secret is it? The gents are told nothing, and to hold the box for safekeeping. No peeking. <br>