The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary: Podcast #349<br> HEALTHY CONFLICT RESOLUTION: HOW TO DO IT WITH CONFIDENCE<br> Communicating well through conflict resolution is a healthy manifestation of a confident person with congruent relationship management. <br> <br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: <br> <br> How to communicate and speak up for yourself with confidence (and without being pushy or emotional)<br> 8 Ways to navigate healthy conflict resolution<br> The challenge of being in conflict with yourself and how to work through it<br> <br> SPONSOR NOTE: <br> MY FREE MASTERCLASS ON CONFIDENCE.<br> <br> Here's what's different:<br> <br> It's short and sweet. (30-minutes!)<br> It shows you how to get your next breakthrough. (Um, amen, right?!)<br> It's is free of any sound/tech issues. (Hallelujah!)<br> <br> And since I know you're all about your personal growth and your next breakthrough right now, you gotta jump into this!<br> <br> Grab a spot, we have a session with some seats still open today! Go to www.trishblackwell.com/webinar and register. I'll send you a free workbook to go along with the masterclass, so check your email as soon as you register ... this is a POWER-PACKED PUNCH to your confidence.<br> <br> I'm convinced that this is the start of your next breakthrough.<br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK:<br> Joyful Living Spaces (www.joyfullivingspaces.com)<br> <br> I cannot say enough about The Confidence Podcast. Trish is my go-to-girl, mentor, coach, motivator, spiritual leader, mom-friend, woman and friend. Her podcast provides me with shade in the heat, light in the dark, faith for the Lord and energy in the chaos of the life we all live and love. If you do not have this one on your daily list, you are missing out!!! 5 stars isn't enough!<br> <br> <br> HOW TO COMMUNICATE AND SPEAK UP FOR YOURSELF WITH CONFIDENCE<br> Conflict becomes larger than it needs to be from poor communication.<br> <br> Always be communicating (ABC)<br> <br> Communication is an art form and something to practice daily and progressively.<br> <br> Seek examples of healthy communication and look to healthy dialogue.<br> <br> Don't apologize for your perception of something or your preferences - but communicate them fairly and with balanced emotion or expanded flexibility.<br> <br> Remember - all relationships, from parent-child, to spouse-to-spouse, to friend-to-friend, to co-worker-to-co-worker, are growing. Communication waters a relationship and gives it life, lack of communication will make it whither when the sun shines brightly.<br> <br> Seek to learn and listen as much as you seek to be understood and heard. <br> 8 WAYS TO NAVIGATE HEALTHY CONFLICT RESOLUTION<br> STICK TO THE ISSUE<br> <br> don't add in other issues or overcomplicate<br> <br> LEAD WITH GRACE<br> <br> grace and positive assumptions<br> <br> AVOID OUTLANDISH STATEMENTS<br> <br> like "never" "always", etc.<br> <br> WORK TO FIGHT FAIR<br> <br> listen, take turns, give space, communicate, resolve to express love, always<br> <br> KEEP A SHORT LIST OF OFFENSES<br> <br> stand up for what is right, but learn to let go of what doesn't matter<br> <br> remember that you are flawed too and have hurt others, keeping track of hurts doesn't serve anyone. it can help guide you for boundary setting, but shouldn't be held against people. <br> <br> AFFIRM THE RELATIONSHIP <br> <br> Affirm the relationship before clearly defining the problem. For example, “Our relationship is important to me. But when you don’t return my calls, I feel rejected and unimportant.” Avoid blaming the other person and saying, “You make me feel…” Instead, say, “When you do ‘A’, I feel ‘B’.”Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend, How to Have That Difficult Conversation You’ve Been Avoiding (Grand Rapids: Zondervan0 2005), 51.<br> <br> PLAN TIME AND DON"T PUT IT OFF / LET IT FESTER