Best of: Our Story – Chapter 3: The Worst Day of Our Lives

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> In this Best of Episode, we re-visit Chapter 3 of the "Our story" series.<br> <br> We'll be sharing our entire "Our Story" episodes in the Saturday "Best of" releases over the next few weeks.<br> <br> You don't want to miss these!  We'll be giving you all the juicy details of who we are, where we began, and how it all happened!<br> <br> This episode was originally published on October 24, 2017.  You can check out the original episode here:  <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br> FULL TRANSCRIPT<br> Shane: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast where life always comes before work.  We’re your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams.<br> <br> We’re a real family who figured out how to make our entire living online.  And now, we help other families do the same.  Are you ready to flip your life?  Alright.  Let’s get started.<br> <br> What's up, guys?  Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast.  Super excited to be back with you again today as Jocelyn and I continue our story about our entrepreneurial journey so that we can inspire you and show you what is possible, kind of what happened to us, this whirlwind ride that led to where we are today with the Flipped Lifestyle as compared to our old 9-to-5 jobs.<br> <br> In our last episode, we talked about how we got married, how we ended up finally getting married, then we got engaged.  It was a really, really whirlwind process because I was coaching football.  I just got a job at West Virginia as a graduate assistant.  Jocelyn was living in Lexington, Kentucky.  I was moving to Morgantown, and I basically called Jocelyn one day and we had a nice logical discussion about if we should get married or not.<br> <br> Jocelyn: Of course we did.<br> <br> Shane: Of course we did.<br> <br> Jocelyn: Because that's how I roll.<br> <br> Shane: I like to tell Jocelyn I was on one knee on the other end of the phone, she just couldn't see it at the time.<br> <br> Jocelyn: Yeah right.<br> <br> Shane: That is totally not true.  We were just seriously having a good conversation. We decided that it would be a good idea that we should get married on July 3.  What year did we get married?<br> <br> Jocelyn: 2004.<br> <br> Shane: 2004.  Okay, that was a total man thing.  Not even remembering the year.  I do remember the date.  It was July 3rd, and because that was the only day we had free before we had to get back to work.  Most people have long engagements and all this romance, and they plan all these things.  We had a month and a half, maybe two months.  We just immediately called all of our family and we were being like, "Hey, you got the third free?  Because we've got to get married very, very fast."<br> <br> Jocelyn: And the bad thing was Shane's brother, Aaron, he was on a mission trip in Russia.  We decided this, and he was going to be gone during this time, but it was the only day that we had.  If we didn't get married on this particular day, it was going to be another year before we had a chance to do it again.  Shane had to call Aaron.  He was the first person to know, and he was like, "Look, man, I know you are going to Russia, but we need to get this over with."<br> <br> Shane: We were just talking about our marriage in the terms of, "We got to get this over with.  I mean, I got to marry this guy.  I don't know what is going on.  We should get it over with."<br> <br> Jocelyn: That is pretty much how romantic this story is.  So anyway, we really do love each other, we really do. Anyway, he had to call Aaron and be like, "Hey, man, I know you can't come, but is that cool with you?"<br> <br> Shane: And he was like, "Oh yeah, it's cool, man."  I'm like, "Great! Okay!"  So I started calling everybody, and Jocelyn started calling everybody.  I've got a huge family.