#67 Internal Regulation Skills: Learning How to Eat (Part 4)

The Appetite show

Summary: Do you trust your body’s appetite cues? It’s all about internal regulation on the last of this four-part series inspired by Ellyn Satter’s “Eating Competency Skills” and we’re talking body wisdom. Opal Co-Founder and Nutrition Director Julie Church, RDN, CEDRD-S, CD talks with host and therapist Carter Umhau, LMHC about the wisdom your body holds around food and eating. They’ll be exploring the power of honing this skill, which is the heart of intuitive eating.    Links: Ellyn Satter Institute Take the ecSI ( Satter Eating Competency Inventory) Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family by Ellyn Satter     Connect with Opal:  www.opalfoodandbody.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Opalfoodandbodywisdom/ Instagram: @opalfoodandbody Twitter: https://twitter.com/opalfoodandbody?lang=en Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/OpalFoodandBody/videos      Thank you to our team... Daniel Guenther at Jack Straw Cultural Center: http://www.jackstraw.org/ Editing by Hans Anderson: http://www.hfanderson.com/ Music by Aaron Davidson: https://soundcloud.com/diet75/ Host and Producer Carter Umhau: www.carterumhau.com