Spain's Worst Storm in 140 Years

Europe Calling show

Summary: The worst storm to hit eastern Spain in the last 140 years finally let up on Sunday after wreaking havoc in Valencia, Alicante, Murcia and Almería. The torrential downpours caused rivers to burst their banks, dragging cars and people away, flooding streets, forcing thousands from their homes, and destroying at least 300,000 hectares of prime agricultural land according to early estimates. Spain’s acting Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has rejected the latest offer made by the leftist group Unidas Podemos in a bid to reach a governing deal that would prevent a repea t general election in November. The Spanish government is “preparing itself for the worst” The acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez President has brought in an extra 875 civil servants to deal with the extra work expected with a no-deal. Economy minister Nadia Calvino has stated: “We have to be prepared for the worst. The prime minister has arranged a special meeting with ministers most directly related with the subject so that they are right up-to-date with what’s happening, can analyse the situation and put in extra measures if necessary.” Protesters jeered Boris Johnson after the showdown talks with the EU commission president at a restaurant. And he then faced cat-calls from a crowd including British ex-pats as he arrived for a meeting with Luxembourg counterpart Xavier Bettel. COMMENT......... This was a pathetic set up by Luxembourg to try and humiliate Boris Johnson. This was disrespectful and Boris was right to not go out and be shouted down by those protesters who strangely had microphones and speakers. A hero female police officer who tried to save a baby 'thrown to his death off a bridge'has been forced to delete her Twitter account after being bombarded with disgustingsexist messages.