The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary: Podcast #345<br> HOW TO STOP BEING SO SELF-CRITICAL<br> Beating yourself and being self-critical is the more surefire way to ensure that you stay stuck in whatever it is that is frustrating to you about yourself or your life.<br> <br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: <br> <br> Why we have convinced ourselves that beating ourselves up is effective motivation for change<br> Why beating ourselves up doesn't work - and what it is really doing to you<br> How to stop the crazy cycle of pressure and self-beratement so that you can actually create change in your life.<br> <br> SPONSOR NOTE: <br> MY FREE MASTERCLASS ON CONFIDENCE. <br> Here's what's different:<br> <br> It's short and sweet. (30-minutes!)<br> It shows you how to get your next breakthrough. (Um, amen, right?!)<br> It's is free of any sound/tech issues. (Hallelujah!)<br> <br> And since I know you're all about your personal growth and your next breakthrough right now, you gotta jump into this!<br> <br> Grab a spot, we have a session with some seats still open today! Go to www.trishblackwell.com/webinar and register. I'll send you a free workbook to go along with the masterclass, so check your email as soon as you register ... this is a POWER-PACKED PUNCH to your confidence.<br> <br> I'm convinced that this is the start of your next breakthrough.<br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK: <br> Maria Bradley<br> <br> It's about time I just take a moment and say THANK YOU and just write a dang review! I am so grateful I found your podcast. After listening for a while I finally became a member of the College of Confidence. I love having your happy voice at the touch of a button. It's like having a little bit of sunshine in my pocket. Things I love about this podcast: positive - encouraging - inspiring - life-changing. Seriously, thank you!!<br> <br> <br> WHY WE THINK BEATING OURSELVES UP IS EFFECTIVE <br> Perfectionistic mindset - one of the toxic side-effects of believing our worth is based off our performance. "Why Perfectionism Prevents You from Being Confident" &gt; listen to the episode at www.trishblackwell.com/335<br> <br> We measure the wrong things.<br> <br> Measurement by looking outward instead of looking inward.<br> <br> It's a lack of belief and self-trust ... that we doubt our ability to show up, to follow-through and that our efforts can be multiplied.<br> WHY SELF-CRITICISM DOESN'T WORK (AND WHAT IT'S REALLY DOING TO YOU) <br> The more pressure we put on ourselves, the more poorly we typically do.<br> <br> The art of freedom is to live without being restrained ... and pressure restrains us.<br> <br> Personal example: Pressing myself and shaming myself to stop overeating and binge eating. The self-hatred I had about changing my body was the mean push I thought I needed to actually change. The harder I pushed, the meaner I was, the worse I felt and the more I swang in the pendulum.<br> HOW TO STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP AND HOW TO USE THE STRATEGY OF BEING NICE TO YOURSELF AS A WAY TO ACTIVATE CHANGE<br> <br> <br> Be radical - dare to try something different.<br> <br> <br> -Admit that what you're doing isn't working.<br> <br> <br> Look for modules to emulate<br> <br> <br> -Be inspired, study their example<br> <br> <br> Desire congruency<br> <br> <br> -You're not actually a nice person if you're not first nice to yourself<br> <br> <br> Get comfortable with being uncomfortable<br> <br> <br> -It's going to feel weird, and like you're doing something wrong; like it shouldn't have been this easy and this obvious<br> ANNOUNCEMENTS: <br> I am cheering you on - if you've been thinking about getting a coach, or about taking this confidence thing / personal development thing to the next level, then I want to personally invite you to join us in The College of Confidence (www.collegeofconfidence.com).