This Week in Enterprise Tech 359: The Leaning Tower of DNS

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Summary: <ul> <li>The Joker Malware hits Android and it's no joke.</li> <li>So much for Law &amp; Order: Attacks continue on Universities from Iranian group despite indictments.</li> <li>Sophos open-sources Sandboxie.</li> <li>281 Arrested in International BEC Takedown.</li> <li>PsiXBot Malware upgraded to use DNS-over-HTTPS.</li> <li>Encrypted DNS could help close the biggest privacy gap on the Internet.</li> <li>An appeals court rules that scraping a public website is not a violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.</li> <li>Community projects highlight the need for security volunteers.</li> <li>Anthony James of Infoblox on why DNS security is often overlooked and when left unprotected can leave the backdoor to enterprise networks wide open.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Hosts:</strong> <a href="">Louis Maresca</a>, <a href="">Brian Chee</a>, <a href="">Curt Franklin</a>, and <a href="">Brian McHenry</a></p> <p>Download or subscribe to this show at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong>Sponsors:</strong></p><ul> <li><a href=""> offer code Enterprise</a></li> <li><a href=""></a></li> </ul>