Jack Benny – Dog Catcher of Beverly Hills. ep385, 401110

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: When Jack is a little late for the show, only Dennis seems to know where he is,, if only the rest of the cast would let him talk. Eavesdropping on him in the hallway, we find Jack on the phone. Will he be able to convince the studio exec to let him premier his new movie with Fred Allen, where he wants? But…. But…. But…. <br> The show starts in Ernest, and with the election over, and ballots all counted, Don introduces the new dog catcher of Beverly Hills. The cast seem less interested in Jack’s new political achievement, than in letting the jokes about Fred Allen fly. Phil continues showing off his night school education, then the studio exec phones back for more jokes on who gets top billing in Jack and Fred’s new film. Dennis sings, Blueberry hill. <br> When Phil learns the exec is from the South, he thinks he may be able to talk to him for Jack. <br> Jack turns down the offer, and amid interruptions, introduces the play. A tale about a drugstore soda jerk. More calls from the studio mean there won’t be a play. Phil plays Some jazzy traveling music. <br> Rochester drives Jack and Mary to meet the studio exec in person. Jokes about dog catcher Benny continue. As a government official, should Jack get a siren for his car? Will the jokes endanger any expectations of Christmas gifts this year? Is there any hope of catching that exec when he tries to get away in a Cadillac? <br>