Lum and Abner – Continued Problems. 450416

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Lum is in a highly nervous state as he paces the Jot Em Down Store. He tells Abner that he was followed the other day. Coming home after his date with Miss Platt. He also tells Abner he has told her about the diamond,. And plans to show it to her soon. <br> Abner has to come clean, and tell him the diamond is back in the county seat. He shares how the jeweler died of heart attack when he was appraising the stone. Lum thinks Abner is pranking him. And gets Maimie to phone the jewelry store. Will he believe in the curse now? <br> A stranger enters the store with a message. Will Lum still be oblivious to the curse. Or its drew consequences <br>