Episode 56 - Give It 1000% (With Clayton Barton)

How To Draw Comics show

Summary: Every project you undertake will demand some level of commitment to see it through to the end. The final outcome will be entirely dependent on the amount of effort you put into it. In short, you'll reap what you sow. This sentiment is all well and good, but in reality it can be extremely difficult to dedicate oneself to the often grueling task of producing your very best work. It takes time, effort, and discipline. We know that. But what we don't necessarily consider is the level of physical and mental fortitude we'll need to take our art to the next level every time pencil goes to paper. In this Podcast episode we'll be delving deeper into this topic as I reiterate the importance of always putting your best foot forward when it comes to your art. Every line of work wears thin after a time, and to keep on top of our game we've got to find something within it that reignites the fire and pushes us to continually give our craft 1000%. If we're unable to do this, we begin to take our abilities for granted, and complacency quickly sets in. We've seen it happen to many of our fellow artists, who's passion becomes just another day on the job. Their work loses the vitality it once had and you can tell their heart simply isn't in it any longer. Nothing is more tragic than that, and in this talk I'd like to try and help you avoid the same happening to you at all costs. I hope that you enjoy this episode and get some value out of it. If you find it useful, be sure to share it with your fellow art friends. They will be happy you did, and I'll be thankful to you for passing it along. Until next time, keep on creating and keep on practicing. -Clayton If you liked this podcast episode, show your support by commenting, sharing or subscribing. Comic Art Community - https://www.howtodrawcomics.net/comic-art-community/ How to Draw Comics .NET - http://www.howtodrawcomics.net/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/howtodrawcomics/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/howtodrawcomics Twitter - https://twitter.com/howtodrawcomics Tumblr - http://howtodrawcomics.tumblr.com/ Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/howtodrawcomics/