Episode 57 - How to Be Less Impatient With Your Art (With Clayton Barton)

How To Draw Comics show

Summary: Impatience comes hand in hand with any art form. When we set out to create something, it'll demand a significant amount of thought, time and energy to get it done. Take a complex illustration for example, that features multiple characters and an intricate background. It might take hours, even days to complete, as you stroke in every last detail. Another example might be a comic or graphic novel. Such a huge undertaking could take months to see through to completion. There's no shortcuts or fast ways around it. The only way to get there is a diligent work ethic and a lot of patience. Having patience is extremely difficult when instant gratification is taken off the table. The rewarding feeling we get from finishing something worth while only comes at the end, and getting there means commitment and dedication. You get out what you put in. Problem is our brains don't like going without that sense of gratification for long. We're like addicts, always looking for that next dopamine spike. It can come from a grand accomplishment, but it can also come from the quick fix social media, video games and impulse spending provides. The only way around this is to delay gratification altogether and increase our ability to focus for an increased amount of uninterrupted time - until we've finished what we've set out to do. This is of course known as patience, and in this episode of the How to Draw Comics Podcast, we'll discuss some tactics to help you cultivate it. I hope you get some value out of this episode and use some of the tips you've learned to fortify your work ethic and increase your productivity. Thanks for listening. Until next time, keep on creating and keep on practicing! -Clayton If you liked this podcast episode, show your support by commenting, sharing or subscribing. Comic Art Community - https://www.howtodrawcomics.net/comic-art-community/ How to Draw Comics .NET - http://www.howtodrawcomics.net/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/howtodrawcomics/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/howtodrawcomics Twitter - https://twitter.com/howtodrawcomics Tumblr - http://howtodrawcomics.tumblr.com/ Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/howtodrawcomics/