I Believe This Broadcast Will Win

Touchdowns and Tangents show

Summary: Clowney, Tunsil & Stills trades Zeke Deal Mykell and Gunnells 8:00 PM-830 PM with Pete and Kenny crosstalk on Raiders and Chiefs Raiders HardKnocks finale MORE AB DRAMA, can the raiders win without him. Jacobs The defense Oakland’s final season McCoy to Chiefs, touchdown or turnover? What does he bring to the table Is it Super Bowl or Bust for Andy reid? What’s the backup plan if Mahomes ain’t Mahomes again? Who scares the Chiefs most in the AFC and AFC West? Broncos Interview 825 Jamie Hoyle The Lightning round Podcast, Bolts from the Blue network at 845 Melvin Gordon doesn’t play a down for Chargers this year, touchdown or turnover? Melvin Gordon gets paid more than zeke touchdown or turnover? Philip Rivers retires touchdowns or turnovers? Roster often talked about as deepest what are some holes? Who is the Chargers x-factor this year? What are the expectations for that defense this year? Will SD Ever love the Chargers again? Brad Mader, Locked on Rams and Rams podcast 905 PM How did you become a Rams fan? Tyler Higbee 4-years, $31 million is that a touchdown or turnover? Jared Goff, four-year, $110 million is that a TD or TO? What do you make of Rams culture to extend players before free agency and delivering on deals? Who is Rams biggest adversary in NFC? How do the Rams not win this division? Seahawks 9:20 PM What is the worse case scenario for the Hawks? Are they really contenders with Rams? There are still a lot of questions about WR and DB which is somewhere the NFC West Champion Rams are deep, how do the Hawks matchup? With Clowney there and LBs healthy what is expectations from Front Seven? Is this the year the O-line finally puts it all together? Who is a player no one outside of the 12 is talking about that you’re excited for? Kevin Molina 49ers Hub writer, Hubcast cohost and CSUN Alum Is this the year the Niners turn it around? Make your case for how can they win the NFC West. With the Raiders leaving the Bay, the Warriors moving closer to SF, what would a big year for the 9ers mean to growing the fanbase? Dante Pettis, Soloman Thomas been storylines of this offseason, how do you grade Shanahan and Lynch’s progress in both drafting and developing players? Who will have the bigger year, Tevin Coleman or Jimmy G? Ryan FPC Cardinals, recurring guest Will the line ever improve? Headlines this week say Kyler hard to read, What are realistic expectations for Kyler and Kliff? How does Kyler win ROTY? What are some teams the Cardinals can surprise? Who is nobody talking about from the Cardinals that they should be? Is there anyway the Cardinals can win this division?