Lum and Abner – The Jeweler Dies Suddenly. 450411

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Recently, Dick Huddleston advised Abner to take the diamond to the county seato sell it. The price would pay off their mortgages, and put a stop to the curse. To top it off, Ulises Quincey,. Who Lum left the diamond with for safekeeping was run down by a car. Is this curse business getting out of hand? <br> Cedric talks with Dick over jewelry,. And have the merchants lunch with Abner. The three wait for word from the jeweler in the county seat. Conversation turns to Cedric’s job at the defense plant, and how much longer the war will last. <br> As Dick tries to explain supply logistics in the Pacific to Cedric, Abner rushes in. Did he get a good deal on the diamond? Time passes. The gents finish lunch. Hey, what are those people gathered over outside the jewelry store doing? When Abner returns, he lets Dick and Cedric know about the mysterious death of the jeweler. <br>