The Webb Chatham Report: Episode 42

The Webb Chatham Report show

Summary: Topics: Property taxes, HOA elections, Carrboro potlucks, Southern Rail, Webby Awards, Greta Thunberg, the carbon impact of flying, getting sick, weddings in Boston, Jane, her little desk, poopin, In The Nursery (the band, not related to Jane), The Chameleons, Cradle of Filth (also not related to Jane), Ex Hex and Japanese Breakfast at Cat’s Cradle, Garbage and Ionna Gika at Ritz Raleigh, Simon Bonney and Mark Lanegan at Warsaw Greenpoint, The National, Crime & The City Solution, Simon Bonney’s new album, Guitar Wolf, Clinic, Drugdealer, Jockstrap, Light Asylum, Bruce Hornsby, Sun O))), Pure Bathing Culture, Local Natives, The Films, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, Mountain Goats, Boston 90’s Goth, 12 Tone Failure, Opium Den, Big Monster Fish Hook, Johnny Blackheart, Salamandra Glass, MSNBC, anti-abortion laws, Brett Fucking Kavanaugh, MSNBC, Game of Thrones, Future Man, The Orville, Detective Pikachu, Beyonce Homecoming, This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein, Dark Age Ahead by Jane Jacobs, more Robert Caro podcasts, Timehop, Walmart’s Check out Kiosks, Teslas in Chatham County.