2.5 | Etc. (September)

All of the Above show

Summary: <p>According to wikipedia, "et cetera" is a Latin expression used to mean "and other similar things."  Translated literally from Latin, it means "and the rest."</p> <p>What do the next several weeks look like for TCGS?  Why are we doing these things?  Why are these important?  Who would choose to dip Cheetos in cream cheese? How do these events fit into our overall vision as a church? Trevor sits down with Hannah Koschel, our ministry admin and kids ministry director, and Bryce Harrison, our church planting resident, to discuss all this in this week's episode!</p> <p>For more info on all the things discussed today, visit <a href="tcgreerstation.com">our website</a>!</p> <p>The final song is "September," from Earth, Wind, &amp; Fire and covered by <a href="https://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic">Pomplamoose</a></p>