#1818 The Facebook Live interview with Brett Linkletter (that everyone keeps asking me about)

Startup Stories - Mixergy show

Summary: When I asked people about who was doing chat well today, the name that kept coming up was Brett Linkletter. Brett is the founder of Misfit Media, which helps restaurants target &amp; acquire local customers. I invited him here to talk about how he built up his agency and where he’s getting his clients. <p><a href="https://mixergy.com/interviews/live-with-brett-linkletter/"><img src="https://mixergy.com/interviews/live-with-brett-linkletter/?get-twitter-card=true&amp;v=14&amp;time=1568009549" alt="" class="alignnone size-full"></a></p><p>Brett Linkletter is the founder of Misfit Media, which helps restaurants target &amp; acquire local customers on automation with ease.</p> <strong>Sponsored by</strong><br><p><a href="http://www.toptal.com/mixergy" rel="nofollow">Toptal</a> – If you’re having trouble finding developers, Toptal is a network of elite pre-vetted software developers. You tell Toptal what you’re looking for, they search their network for the best people, they test the candidates, and then they present you with only the candidates who meet your individual needs. Once you pick someone you can start work with them the next day. They offer a no-risk trial period. Go to <a href="http://www.toptal.com/mixergy" rel="nofollow">Toptal.com</a>. Get the best of the best right now.</p> <hr> <p><a href="thesidehustlebible.com/andrew" rel="nofollow">The Side Hustle Bible</a> – If you’re looking for a side hustle, check out James Altucher’s The Side Hustle Bible. The book is a collection of proven opportunities (177, to be exact) to turn your hobby or existing skills into an entirely new source of income. Each method has the potential to move you closer to your goals. Go to <a href="thesidehustlebible.com/andrew" rel="nofollow">The Side Hustle Bible</a> to see how others have created a profitable side hustle with this FREE book.</p> <p>More interviews -&gt; <a href="https://mixergy.com/moreint" target="_blank">https://mixergy.com/moreint</a><br> Rate this interview -&gt; <a href="https://mixergy.com/rateint" target="_blank">https://mixergy.com/rateint</a></p>