The Buffet of Life

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> How good are you at making choices? How many clothes are laying piled on your closet floor because you struggle choosing what to wear? Is meal planning nearly impossible for you because a plan would require a decision and you’re just not sure if you would rather eat tacos or bury your face in a plate of pasta and making a commitment in advance seems overwhelming. You say you’re “keeping your options open” but in reality you’re just afraid to make a choice.<br> Anything is possible in your life. If you want to go back to school, you could do that. If you decided to start your own business, that’s totally possible. If you wanted to move to Montana and live in a teepee, okay, you could totally make that happen. If you wanted to open a beach-side coffee shop and wear flip flops for the rest of your days and drive a yellow Volkswagen bus, I’m betting that’s possible for you as well.<br> So, I’m not only asking what do you want for dinner tonight, but I’m asking what do you want out of life? If anything is possible, what do you want?<br> Well the truth is, this whole “anything is possible”, leaves the majority of us frozen in indecision. There are just too many choices, there are countless possibilities, we have an overwhelm in the options, and that’s where we often get lost.<br> But what nonsense it would be to stand in front of the buffet of life starving because you don’t know what to choose. And yet that’s what many of us are doing. We wander around with no purpose because we just aren’t sure. We’re filled with doubt, questioning every move we make, overthinking and analyzing, because the buffet of life is long and wide with an abundance of choices for us. Where do you start?<br> Well if you’re miserable and hungry, take a bite out of life already. Everything you need is right in front of you. Anything is possible. And that means choices, choices, choices.<br> Perhaps you’re left feeling insecure and unsure of your ability to make the right choice. Wouldn’t we rather God give us a heaping piled up plate of one specific direction for our life? Like God, what do you want me to do here? Lay it out Lord. If you’ll just show me exactly what I’m supposed to do today, tomorrow, and the next 5 years, that would be great. Let’s plan ahead. Lord, would you just take the guess work out of this purpose thing? Make it certain and make it fool proof.<br> Does that sound a little bit like the dialogue you’ve been having? Are you so afraid that you’re going to mess this thing up that you’ve backed away and stood on the sidelines waiting for God to do everything? Well where’s the purpose in that?<br> If God would have wanted robots, he would have created robots. But instead he created this entire universe and he put you in the middle of it with an invitation to create with him. The almighty creator says “here’s your life, let’s make beautiful things together.”<br> He once again brings you back to this buffet of life and asks what do you want? Forget your track record of poor follow through. Okay, so you’re a world class starter and world’s worst at finishing … got it. Do you honestly think God doesn’t already know that? Do you think God can’t work with exactly who you are and what you have to make something beautiful? No doubt he can … but he’s not going to make you.<br> All the rest of your days can be spent wondering what’s possible … or going after what’s possible. You choose.<br> Here’s what God wants you to hear this morning … “Girl, I’ve got you. I can make something beautiful out of your mess. Your missteps add dimension and flavor to life. I can handle it! Talk to me about your choices. Let’s make them together. When your heart and intention is pure, move forward and I’ll take care of the details.