Thursday, August 29, 2019

Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib (Amritsar) show

Summary: SOOHEE, FIFTH MEHL: God covers the many shortcomings of His slaves. Granting His Mercy, God makes them His own. || 1 || You emancipate Your humble servant, and rescue him from the noose of the world, which is just a dream. || 1 || Pause || Even huge mountains of sin and corruption are removed in an instant by the Merciful Lord. || 2 || Sorrow, disease and the most terrible calamities are removed by meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. || 3 || Bestowing His Glance of Grace, He attaches us to the hem of His robe. Grasping the Lord’s Feet, O Nanak, we enter His Sanctuary. || 4 || 22 || 28 || Hukamnama from