BI 045 Raia Hadsell: Robotics and Deep RL

Brain Inspired show

Summary: Support the Podcast Show notes: Raia and I discuss her work at DeepMind figuring out how to build robots using deep reinforcement learning to do things like navigate cities and generalize intelligent behaviors across different tasks. We also talk about challenges specific for embodied AI (robots), how much of it takes inspiration from neuroscience, and lots more. Raia’s website. Follow her on Twitter: @RaiaHadsell Papers relevant to our discussion: Learning to Navigate in Cities without a Map. Overcoming catastrophic forgetting in neural networks. Progressive neural networks. A few Talks: Deep reinforcement learning in complex environments. Progressive Nets & Transfer. The new Neuro-AI conference she's starting with Tony Zador and Blake Richards:From Neuroscience to Artificially Intelligent Systems (NAISys)