412 God’s Greatest Work

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> God has a plan for your life. He didn’t just start a story in you, he has the end in mind. He sees the big picture while we see the puzzle pieces and the empty places.<br> Have you ever worked to put together a puzzle and been absolutely convinced you’re missing a piece? You think you know what that piece should look like and you search through the pile one by one and you find nothing. You look on the floor. You dig through the couch cushions and nothing. There’s nothing more frustrating than spending days putting together a puzzle to realize you’re missing a piece. It’s like a cruel joke they sell you a 500 piece puzzle and they intentionally leave out a piece? But here’s what usually happens for me. I get frustrated, I’m tempted to quit, and then I see it … the piece I’ve turned every way possible, the piece I’ve set aside because it clearly didn’t fit, yes, the piece that had been there all along … it fits. It wasn’t missing after all. I just couldn’t see how it fit perfectly.<br> Our lives are like this. We become convinced that something is missing. We’ve lost a piece of us and now there will forever be this empty space. Nothing fits. Something is wrong here. We’re tempted to give up in frustration. We blame God as if he made us with this utter flaw that can’t be overcome. But all along, it’s all there. God’s plan for your life isn’t missing a single piece. It may take some time, in fact my guess is it will take all the days of your life, but eventually it will all come together. Every piece will be connected. And the story of your life WILL be completed.<br> This story with all it’s strange pieces and empty spaces along the way is God’s greatest work. What he’s doing in your life is unmatched. The story the two of you are writing together is kind of amazing honestly, and it’s what he had in mind when he imagined your life. A partnership of him designing and you working to put it together.<br> God says in Isaiah 55:9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” You simply can’t imagine what God is working on for you. His thoughts are so high above yours because he’s seen the picture on the top of the puzzle box. He knows exactly who you can become and the life you can live, and all along he’s been designing the pieces to all fit together.<br> What would happen if you traded your worry and fret over each piece in your life for sheer excitement. Isn’t this faith? Faith to say God, I trust you with this piece too! What if you looked at the piece you currently have and know without a doubt that it fits somewhere perfectly and it’s part of the big picture for your life. You know what that brings … that brings PEACE. What is this piece you currently hold? Maybe it’s one of those corner pieces that marks the end of one direction and the beginning of another direction. It’s a well defined cornerstone in your life. We’re moving here now. I’m doing this now. Life is changing drastically here. Those pieces are foundational. Sometimes exciting, and sometimes remarkably hard. Life changes, you can’t go in the same direction forever.<br> Or maybe the piece you have now is one of those “middle” pieces of the puzzle with funky turns and cut outs where the patterns are blurred and you’re just not sure what you’re looking at. Is this where you’re at in life? You don’t know what you’re looking at. You don’t know where this fits. But this is for sure, the piece you currently hold is of tremendous importance. You can’t complete the puzzle of your life without it. You can’t just throw it out today because you don’t understand it. You will need this piece, I promise.<br>