Docker Desktop Integration with WSL | On .NET

Channel 9 show

Summary: In this episode we have Simon and Ben from Docker joining Rich to talk about some of the improvements their team has made to Docker Desktop on Windows for running containers on WSL v2. [01:10] - What versions of Windows will the Docker / WSL v2 support be enabled for?[02:09] - How does Docker work with WLS v1[04:22] - What improvements will developers see with the next Docker for Desktop?[05:40] - Demo - Develop a .NET Core on a Docker container in WSL v2[12:20] - Demo - Building the Docker daemon from source on Windows through WSL v2[17:23] - Demo - Performance improvements for Docker Desktop[22:00] - Demo - Utilizing host resources[31:12] - Getting the Docker Desktop w/ the WSL v2 componentsSign up for the beta at - Useful Links BuildKit on GitHubDocker docsDocker Desktop beta signupHost ASP.NET Core in Docker Docker images for ASP.NET Core