Episode 51 - Finding the Courage to Start Your Art (With Clayton Barton)

How To Draw Comics show

Summary: Finding the courage to start your art is hard sometimes, no matter what level of skill you're at. Feeling apprehensive, nervous or even scared of jumping in and taking action on your ideas can happen for a number of reasons. Maybe you had an idea that began as something fun and manageable, but somehow it quickly got blown out of proportion the more you thought about it - to the point where now it seems impossible to accomplish. It could be that you don't have a positive support system around you, to build you up, encourage you, and believe in what you're doing. When you feel like you've got no one on your team, setting out to achieve something great can seem impossible. Or you might not feel like your skill-set is up to snuff enough for you to pull off your grand vision. In this episode of the How to Draw Comics Podcast I'm going to give you solutions to all these set backs so that you've got no excuses left to not dive in and start your art asap. I hope you enjoy this episode and that you take away a few nuggets of insight that'll help you along the way and give you the boost you need to get going on that next big project. If you enjoyed it, be sure to share it with your art friends. They'll be grateful you passed it along to them, and so will I! Until next time, keep on creating and keep on practicing! -Clayton If you liked this podcast episode, show your support by commenting, sharing or subscribing. Comic Art Community - https://www.howtodrawcomics.net/comic-art-community/ How to Draw Comics .NET - http://www.howtodrawcomics.net/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/howtodrawcomics/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/howtodrawcomics Twitter - https://twitter.com/howtodrawcomics Tumblr - http://howtodrawcomics.tumblr.com/ Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/howtodrawcomics/