Episode 50 - How to Get in the Mood To Draw (With Clayton Barton)

How To Draw Comics show

Summary: As much as we love to draw, sometimes we're just not in the mood to put pencil to paper. When we feel lazy, tired, lethargic or simply uninspired it can seem almost impossible to get anything down onto the page at all. And it sucks. Because we know we're better than that. Ideally, if we could whip out a drawing at will whenever we liked it'd be game over. Just imagine how much more productive you could be? You'd triple your practice time, tear through your commissions and make real headway on your comic books. The sad truth is, no matter how much ability you have, there are days where you'd rather do anything else but draw. So knowing how much more we could get done, how do we get around that? How do we get in the mood to draw in the first place? That's what today's episode of the How to Draw Comics Podcast is all about. You'll learn four nifty techniques to nip procrastination in the bud and pull yourself back on track to work toward the goals that matter most. Best of all, you'll learn the surprisingly simple thing you can do to click yourself over into a drawing mood almost instantly! I hope you enjoy this episode and that you get a ton of insight out of it. If you found it helpful, be sure to pass it along to your fellow art pals. No doubt they'll also find it useful. -Clayton If you liked this podcast episode, show your support by commenting, sharing or subscribing. Comic Art Community - https://www.howtodrawcomics.net/comic-art-community/ How to Draw Comics .NET - http://www.howtodrawcomics.net/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/howtodrawcomics/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/howtodrawcomics Twitter - https://twitter.com/howtodrawcomics Tumblr - http://howtodrawcomics.tumblr.com/ Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/howtodrawcomics/