409 It’s Just a Bath

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> If God told you today to do something big and great, you would do it, wouldn’t you? If you knew without a doubt this big thing was from God, you would be excited to follow his plan, right?<br> But, what if God is telling you to do something specific today, however it’s not big and grand. In fact, what God is telling you to do seems like a tiny or insignificant step. Or maybe it even seems ridiculous and doesn’t align with what you think is best. Will you still do it?<br> Is your desire for God’s will over your own? Can you say there’s no place you would rather be that in God’s plan for your life?<br> In the book of 2 Kings chapter 5 we read of Naaman. Naaman was a great and successful man who was commander of an entire Army, but he battled leprosy. Leprosy is a disease which deforms your body and in those days would have you cast out from society. Naaman was told of a prophet in Israel named Elisha who could heal him, so he went to Israel in search of healing. He went with a willing heart to do anything.<br> Have you ever prayed that prayer? Lord, I will do anything if you’ll heal me. Lord I’ll do anything if you’ll fix this mess. I will do anything you want me to do if you’ll help me out of this.<br> I’ve prayed those prayers before, and quite honestly the answers I’ve received have been rather unimpressive. You see in my mind I imagine God making a big exchange. Something big and impressive from me for something big and impressive from him. Isn’t that the way this should work?<br> But what if instead of a big and impressive exchange, God wants an ordinary and unnoticed act of obedience? What if God wants you to do something that wouldn’t receive a single praise from another person? What if God is asking you to do something that makes no sense at all?<br> Naaman is seeking healing. Elisah, the prophet of God receives his request and gives him specific instructions. In 2 Kings 5, verse 10 he says “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.”<br> Now stop right there. This is not what Naaman had in mind. He says “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy.” Naaman thought he would be healed through a moment of something miraculous. Shouldn’t there be a light from heaven or a golden glow, or at least someone in a clean robe with a healing touch? Instead he receives ridiculous instructions to go take a bath in the nasty Jordan river? SEVEN TIMES?<br> Naaman is furious. He traveled all this way to be told to do something so totally unimpressive that made no sense. He argues, can’t I bathe in a cleaner river at least? There are so many better options than the Jordan river. No one wants to take a bath in the Jordan, you’ll come out dirtier than you went in. And seven times? I mean God, don’t you have the power to heal me on the first dip in the water? Can’t we negotiate and make it three? Naaman is leaving in a rage, convinced he’s wasted his time even seeking healing when his servant stops him and says in verse 13, “if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it?”<br> Ahhhh, there it is. Naaman was expecting for God to tell him to do something great, but he didn’t. He told him to do something ordinary. Take a bath. He told him to do it over and over again. That simply wasn’t what he wanted to hear.<br> Why is it we think our big problems can only be solved with big solutions? The truth is, our biggest problems are typically the result of something that began very small in the first place. And our solutions will look much the same. Small steps in the right direction. We all would like one big swift, miraculous movement to change it all,