Lum and Abner – Cedric Plays April Fools Joke. 450402

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Abner wonders at the long line over at Dick Huddleston’s store. If there’s a sale on, why don’t the people just go in and buy it. Cedric enters, and the gents think he may know the answer. Tom Foster has been pranking Cedric for years, and now its going to be pay back time on old Tom. <br> Is the April fool joke too much? Abner thinks Cedric ought to go out there to break it up, and clear the air. Lum figures if folks are that idiotic, it serves them right to join the prank, and be made a fool. The phone rings, and even Lizabeth has fallen prey to the prank, and wants Abner to get in on the fake deal. <br> The phone keeps ringing with more inquiries, while Cedric and Abner settle in for a checker game. Well I’ll be a polka dotted ‘possum! Where’s Lum? With the busy checker game going on, nobody noticed Lum leave the store to stand in line over at Dick’s. Abner figures there must be something to this, so he and Cedric take their place in line too. <br>