Episode 33: Leaked videos for EOS 90D and EOS M6 MK2 and actual specs...

Liam Photography Podcast show

Summary: In this episode I talk about recently leaked videos possibly from Canon on these two bodies and the officially announced specs. Canon EOS 90D video leaked? https://www.canonrumors.com/canon-eos-90d-promotional-video-appears-to-have-leaked/ Canon EOS 90D full specs from Canon https://www.canonrumors.com/canon-eos-90d-full-specifications/ Canon EOS 6M MK2 leaked video? https://www.canonrumors.com/canon-eos-m6-mark-ii-promotional-video-appears-to-have-leaked/ Canon EOS M6 MK2 official specs. https://www.canonrumors.com/canon-eos-m6-mark-ii-full-specifications/