XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms Preview | The Xamarin Show

Channel 9 show

Summary: This week, James is joined by friend of the show Pierce Boggan, Xamarin Program Manager, shows us the brand new public preview of XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms. This feature is going to help developers be more productive than ever by allowing you to change your XAML, hit save, and see your UI update! Tune in! Show Links: Blog: XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms Public PreviewBlog: Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3 Preview 2 and Visual Studio for Mac version 8.3 Preview 2 ReleasedBlog: What's New for Xamarin Developers in VS 2019 16.3 PreviewsFind James on: Twitter, GitHub, Blog, and his weekly podcast Merge Conflict.Follow @JamesMontemagnoNever Miss an Episode: Follow @TheXamarinShowUseful Links: Learn more about Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms, & Cross-platform developmentXamarin Developer Center & BlogMicrosoft Learn Self-Guided TrainingCreate a Free Account (Azure)Xamarin Developers YouTube ChannelXamarin on Twitter