Father Knows Best – Betty and The Crooner. ep135, 521009

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Mechanical things hold a certain fascination for the male species. Not so much for the female, especially when the parts are sprawled over the kitchen table. Jim tries to fix the clock, amid the distractions of the family. Betty barges in, with clock springs flying, to tell how she met a top rated crooner. <br> Ronnie Kelso has a voice that just sends the teenage set, excep[t for Bud, who compare3s the velvet voice to a St Bernard. <br> Betty burns up the phone lines to share the news with her friends, and get a special outfit ready. What does young Cathy and her friends think of the teenage heartthrob? Time passes, Jim makes headway with the clock, and Betty returns home starry eyed. After meeting the crooner, she wants to change her name to Beth. Feeling more mature than her years, she breaks off a date with her latest boyfriend, Ralph. <br> How are Bud and Cathy handling the news about Betty’s strange behavior? She looks like a dying cat. Will Cathy act like that in a few years? Has Jim actually fixed that clock? Thanks to some snooping by Cathy, the family eavesdrop on a phone call. Is Betty planning a secret meeting with her crooner? <br> By now Jim has had about all he can stand with this teeny bopper Romeo, and plans on giving him a piece of his mind. Before he gets too far, Betty has returned to her normal self, and with a few untold secrets about her singer. Like that he is much older than his publicity lets on, and he’s married, and has a daughter who is Betty’s age. <br>