Lum and Abner – Abner Worried About Curse of Kunlun Diamond. 450329

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The gents were unnerved when they learned from grandpap that Lum’s diamond had a curse on it. For now, Lum has Abner walking around in his new pair of shoes so they’ll be broke in, and ready for dancing at the next big party. <br> Lum isn’t as worried over the diamonds curse as Abner is. The bank phones with word on that royalty check. Has the curse done its work to keep the check from clearing? Lum looks forward to his debutante coming out party, and wants to spare no expense. <br> When Squire enters, Lum tries to hit him up for more ready cash. Since the store is now mortgaged, what can Lum offer for collateral? It could mean signing on a high rate loan, and to expedite the arrangement Lum signs blank loan papers. <br>