Adventures in Research – The First American Patent. ep187, 460820

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Rolling the clock back to 1646, in the early colonial days of America, we learn the circumstances of the first patent issued in America. An ironworker had already been inventing a few household items. An iron kettle, farm implements, and others. His wife, Martha, encouraged him to protect his inventions with a patent, but Joseph only wants to help his fellow man. <br> Even his neighbors are impressed by his work, and marvel at Joseph’s lack of concern that people might steal his ideas. Joseph claims to have a bigger project, and his inventions thus far are negligible. <br> What is it? What is the big invention that will deliver his claim to fame? Joseph shares his plans, and even a small, working model to show that it really works. The first water powered saw. All he needs to do now is file his patent. <br>