Fighting White Supremacy


Summary: White supremacy and violent white nationalists are at the top of the news cycle but what can government actually do to address white supremacy? L. Joy brings Ifeome (Ify) Ike to the front of the class and has her thoroughest girls Lurie and June to examine "outing" Trump donors, public information of voter data and fighting white supremacy.<br> Our Guest<br> Ifeoma Ike—Ify, for short—is a first-generation, Nigerian-American activist, artist and attorney whose entire career has been dedicated to empowering marginalized communities and creating data-informed strategies to reduce inequity. Ify is a co-founding Principal of social impact firm, Think Rubix, a professor at Lehman College, and a board member of the Women’s Prison Association, as well as a Junior Board member of the Nigerian Healthcare Foundation.