Wild Bill Hickock – War Drums And The Princess. ep110, 521203

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Visiting an Army fort, Bill and Jingles meet a little girl who claims to be teaching a young Indian [princess. Trouble looms when Bill learns about an Indian uprising. How will he get out of his jam, when warriors surround the fort? Who knows! But I think its time to take a break, and enjoy a taste of that sugary treat the sponsor is trying to pitch! <br> There’s only one thing to do when surrounded by a thousand red skins, ride out to talk with the chief. Will Bill and Jingles be smoking the peace pipe any time soon? Jingles heads back to the fort to offer assurance that the pow wow will go well. It should, as long as no trigger happy soldier fires any shots. Look! A messenger is coming, but oopsie… some trigger happy soldier just shot him down. How will Bill be able to get a doctor to tend to the princes, and cure her of the dreaded white man’s disease? <br> It’s a long shot, but while Jingles stays behind at the fort to protect little Betty Lou, Bill rides hard to find the doctor. Obstacles pop up to make Bill’s job more difficult, so why not pull some more of that sugary treat right out of the box, and pop it into your mouth as you run about? <br> Tension runs high back at the fort but look! Bill’s coming back! The big question now is whether the war drums will be called off, or if the doctor has arrived in time to administer a cure for the princess. <br>