Lum and Abner – Lum Measures Abner for a New Suit. 450328

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Unknown to Lum, grandpap had a mysterious visitor who warned of a curse on a diamond. Today, Lum is still bent on spending their money on new clothes for his upcoming wedding. Abner is against the frivolous spending. But will he change his mind when Lum wants to buy a suit for the both of them? <br> Lum doesn’t have a tape measure, so he uses what’s at hand. The boards on the wall in the store will do the trick, but how do they compare to suit sizes, and inseam measurements? When grandpap is seen approaching, Lum wants to surprise him about the diamond. <br> The gents get caught up on store business, and sales. The topic of that peculiar out of town visitor comes up. Will the curse mean anything to Lum, or cause him to worry? <br>