Behind The Mike – Zulu Radio Star. ep56, 411012

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A radio personality from Africa is on hand, for some behind the scenesaction of radio. A dramatization of how radio impacted African superstition. A nervous singer ran out of the studio, and nearly ruined the broadcast. What was it that calmed him down, and convinced him to perform? Superstition. <br> More behind the scenes is dramatized and how to work with animals on the radio. One interesting NBC employee is singled out. What does the photographer, and photo editor have to bring two an audio format like radio? An innovation with homing pigeons helped him get the news out faster<br> Oddities in radio presents bloopers made by radio announcers. Paul Wing’s spelling bee was a program on the air in the mid 1930s. Today, a reacreation of how that program sounded is presented. Words are randomly presented. With each round the price tag goes up. <br> Letters from listeners ask about favorite radio performers. A Sonabox is demonstrated, a substitute for a human larynx. In early form of a synthesized voice. Can it even be the voice of animals? <br>