Great Gildersleeve – Gildy is thee Head Of Opera Committee. ep188, 451209

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Summerfield is all abuzz over the opera that is coming to town. Though Mrs Bullard was instrumental on bringing the New York sophistication to town, we learn that Gildersleeve is taking over as head of the committee. Is it just Judge Hooker’s way of playing to his pal’s ego? gildy goes with Leila Ransom to see her new gown in the Tate’s dress shop. <br> Trouble could be brewing when rival, Eve Goodwin shows up in the shop as well. Add another biddy into the store, Mrs Bullard, and the pecking order goes wild over who is to be fitted next. <br> Several days have passed, and we find the great man at home, dealing with opera committee problems. Can he fit the social referee job in between his Christmas shopping demands? Who will preside the affair? Which opera will be chosen to perform? All tickets have been sold, and favors are asked that conflict with being head matron of the opera. <br> Time for a visit to Peavy’s drugstore. Will the druggist have any advice for handling the women on the committee? Well now, I wouldn’t say that. Back at home, arrangements continue. His snap decisions in appointing head matron to every woman in his life is about to blow up on him. <br>