Troops at the border: Hong Kong on edge

Please Explain: Coronavirus Daily show

Summary: About two months ago, millions of Hong Kongers marched peacefully to protest an extradition deal with mainland China. It's a far cry from tear-gas filled streets and 'guerilla-like pop-up protests'.  This week we're joined by China correspondent Kirsty Needham, and Hong Kong-based lawyer and author Antony Dapiran about the unfolding crisis.  We also speak with journalist Nick Bonyhady about how the clashes have moved to university campuses in Australia. You can join Please Explain live at the Sydney Opera House on September 1, where we will cut through the soundbites and spin of the elected Morrison Government’s first 100 days in office.  The Please Explain team greatly value your feedback - you can email us here. We'd love to hear from you. And if you value independent, quality journalism, please subscribe to The Age or The Sydney Morning Herald. Thanks for listening and don't forget to check out more great podcasts from The Age & SMH.