Episode 48 - Getting What's In Your Head Onto Paper (With Clayton Barton & Deth Phimmasone)

How To Draw Comics show

Summary: This episode, special guest artist Deth Phimmasone joins Clayton Barton to talk about a creative dilemma most, if not all, aspiring comic artists face - Getting whats in your head down onto paper. Oftentimes, the ideas inside our mind seem complex and intricate. But in reality, our brain stores information in a simplified manner, meaning that most of the mental imagery we might visualize is in fact symbolic, sometimes abstract versions of the idea we'd like to manifest on the page. In a sense, that's the best way to approach an illustration - to think on a more macro level and build the composition from the ground up using simplified forms that are representative of what will ultimately become the finished art work. Intuitively we have a natural tendency to tackle our art in the opposite way, attempting to incorporate the details and decorative intricacies without first having a solid foundation to build them upon. However without an accurate road map to follow it's very easy to lose your way. In this episode we'll discuss our experiences, along with our favorite techniques and methods for overcoming this artistic hurdle. We hope you enjoy this episode and take away a ton of value. Thanks for listening, and until next time - keep on creating and keep on practicing! -Clayton Check out Deth's Art at: https://www.instagram.com/dethdfyed Check our Clayton's Art at: https://www.claytonbartonartist.com/ If you liked this podcast episode, show your support by commenting, sharing or subscribing. Comic Art Community - https://www.howtodrawcomics.net/comic-art-community/ How to Draw Comics .NET - http://www.howtodrawcomics.net/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/howtodrawcomics/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/howtodrawcomics Twitter - https://twitter.com/howtodrawcomics Tumblr - http://howtodrawcomics.tumblr.com/ Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/howtodrawcomics/