How I feel about competition and why you don't get bothered by competition

The Secret Sauce to Success with Monique Rodriguez  show

Summary: <p>Hello listeners I wanted to do this episode on competition and my thoughts on it as a business owner.  You will be surprised at how many people talk about sisters supporting sisters but the reality is, in real life the story is different than what is posted on social media.  In this episode you will find out why its ok to have competition and to not get intimidated by it.  It starts with being number one knowing who you are serving and thats God, number 2 being Confident in yourself and number 3...... well I guess you will have to listen to this episode to find out.  Remember to subscribe download and take a screen shot and tag me in your post @exquisitemo @mielleorganics @thesecretsaucetosuccess </p> <p><br></p> <p><br></p>