#275: Finding Freedom from Unwanted Desires

Java with Juli show

Summary: <p>Overwhelmingly, the response to unwanted sexual desires has been to manage them. Bounce your eyes. Get accountability. Love Jesus more. How's it working for you? We believe there is another approach. In this episode, Jay Stringer explains how internet search bars and browser histories reveal more than just your sin, they also reveal the unaddressed and untended wounds in your heart. Will you sit awhile with your brokenness? It can be a roadmap to healing.</p> <p>Guest: <a href="https://jay-stringer.com/">Jay Stringer</a></p> <p>Mentioned:</p> <ul> <li>Jay's book, <a href="https://jay-stringer.com/book/"><em>Unwanted</em></a> </li> <li>Juli's book, <a href="https://shop.authenticintimacy.com/collections/books/products/surprised-by-the-healer"><em>Surprised by the Healer</em></a> </li> </ul>