ACAB Radio - Episode 4

The SNLS Network show

Summary: ACAB Radio is a police accountability podcast that is broadcast LIVE every Tuesday on Facebook out of Las Vegas by 2 local activists from Food Not Bombs Las Vegas and Nevada Cop Block. We're your hosts: Kelly "Special K" Patterson and Jay Lyfer. We focus primarily on local, national, and global police news stories that make headlines every week. We also discuss issues surrounding the homeless crisis here in the US and abroad. We cover these topics because it's something that we are all very passionate about, but we do talk about other stuff too. We hope you all enjoy the show! If you find value in our content please consider supporting our work... We discussed the April 5th shooting of Junior Lopez by Officers Rivera and Mills of the LVMPD in Downtown Las Vegas. We went over some of the inconsistencies within the Body camera footage subsequently released by the LVMPD We also discussed claims Lopez' family have made that the audio on those bodycam videos was edited, as well as a case in which it has been proven that audio was in fact edited by the Boulder City Police Department on a dashcam video. Also, the way Metro misrepresented what happened during the traffic stop in which Lopez was shot at their press conference and within the the YouTube description was pointed out. After that, we discussed the sentence CopBlock Network Co-Founder Ademo Freeman recently received in Ohio on Marijuana-related charges. An article written by Deo Odolecki, which was reposted to the Nevada Cop Block ( site, makes the point that Ohio is a state that recognizes the Medical use of cannabis and Ademo is a registered Medical Marijuana patient and therefore logically should be able to use marijuana for that purpose, even if he's registered in a different state (Colorado). Regardless of that argument though, the reality is that it's silly that anyone should spend even one minute in a cage over something as harmeless as pot. The real solution would be to END Marijuana Prohibition s altogethor and the prosecution of victimless crimes via The War On Drugs. There was also some discussion of controversial POLICE TACTICS and the tendency of the Thugs In Blue to side with, if not actively support, White supremacists and outright neo-nazi groups during protests. One example of this was a recent incident in Georgia in which people protesting against a White supremacist march were arrested for the "crime" of wearing Guy Fawkes Masks. There was also a report of an incident in which some members of Nevada Chalk Block stumbled upon a rather extensive graffiti crime scene in which chalk was used to write some sort of coded messages on the sidewalks of a local school. There was also evidence of people (presumably the same perpetrators) having committed HopScotch without a permit. Fortunately, all of this dangerous criminal behavior was documented with photographs so that #LtMikeWallace, the #LVMPD's graffiti expert, can launch an investigation and Nip It In The Bud before it gets any more out of hand. Links discussed during the show: Web-pages: - (Mirror) Follow, Like and Share: