ACAB Radio - Episode 9

The SNLS Network show

Summary: ACAB Radio is a police accountability podcast that is broadcast LIVE every Tuesday on Facebook out of Las Vegas by 2 local activists from Food Not Bombs Las Vegas and Nevada Cop Block. We're your hosts: Kelly "Special K" Patterson and Jay Lyfer. We focus primarily on local, national, and global police news stories that make headlines every week. We also discuss issues surrounding the homeless crisis here in the US and abroad. We cover these topics because it's something that we are all very passionate about, but we do talk about other stuff too. We hope you all enjoy the show! If you find value in our content please consider supporting our work... This week on the ACAB Radio Podcast #9 we had an update on the situation regarding a grand jury's "review" of charges against LVMPD Officer Kenneth Lopera, who murdered Tashii Brown one year ago at The Venetian Las Vegas on the Las Vegas Strip. As has been reported previously, the Clark County District Attorney's Office and Lopera's Las Vegas Police Protective Association lawyers have continued to stall and delay the grand jury decision by continuing the case until June. Also, we discussed incidents in which members of independent media have been targeted for exclusion from the courtroom during cases involving police officers. In this particular instance, Nissa Tzun of the Forced Trajectory Project ( ) and Families United 4 Justice ( ) was thrown out of the courtroom based on the fact the dress she was wearing was sleevleess. This isn't the first (or only) arbitrary and selective enforcement of dress codes against observers in the courtroom, however it is a rarity and seems to for some odd reason only happen when cases involving police officers are being heard. Another topic of discussion involved the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's latest shooting. On May 12th, LVMPD Officer Ondre Wills shot Sommer Richards (contrary to what was said on the show she has not died, but potentially still could), who was holding a shovel and experiencing a mental health episode at the time. It was questioned whether shooting her was the only option to deal with the situation and how much of an imminent threat she really represented. Additional questions were raised about if shooting her seven times was excessive. Other topics included several "viral videos" making their way around the internets over the past week. Among these was a video of the San Antonio Police Department assaulting and falsely arresting a man who was legally filming them. Another video involved the beating and arrest of a woman on a beach in New Jersey who committed the dangerous, horrific "crime" of drinking a couple beers a few months before her 21st birthday. (Except that she didn't actually drink any of the beers.) In addition, a video of a police officer in Los Angeles using his car to knock a motorcyclist off his bike was discussed. Web-pages: - (Mirror) Follow, Like and Share: