HEAR IT: Millionaire's Crazy 911 Call After Wife Vanishes. BUSTED IN MEXICO

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace show

Summary: Millionaire Peter Chadwick makes a bizarre 911 call claiming his wife of 21 years, QC, is drowned by a house painter named Juan and he was forced to drive her body around all night. After her body is found. Chadwick goes on the run. After almost 5 years, he's caught in Mexico. Nancy Grace and her expert panel delve into the breaking news. With us today: Wendy Patrick:  Trial Attorney, Dr. Kris Sperry:  Retired Chief Medical Examiner for the State of Georgia,   Caryn Stark:   Psychologist, Steven Lampley:   Former detective, David Mack:  Syndicated Radio Host. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.