Cats a Catastrophe? Angel Has Fallen Will Rise? Zombieland: Double Tap Taps into Magic Again?

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: Welcome to GeekScholars Movie News presented by LRM Online! This regular podcast features The GeekScholars—Jill, Chris, and Fox—as they discuss a roundup of current happenings in Hollywood!<br> <br> On this week’s show GeekScholars Jill and Fox play Never Tell Me the Odds! where they share:<br> <br> 00:41 - Odds that Cats is not a catastrophe<br> 06:45 - Odds that Andy Serkis directs Venom 2 (spoiler, it's 100%!)<br> 12:00 - Odds Angel Has Fallen will do better than predecessors<br> 17:50 - Odds Zombieland: Double Tap recaptures the original magic<br> 23:04 - Trivia about Cats