Lum and Abner – Cedric Varnishes Dishes. 450319

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In trying to get the number of guests to match the number of seats in his buffet supper, Lum has had to cancel invitations. He left it up to Abner to randomly pick someone, and make the phone call to inform the unfortunate person. Today, Lum discusses his menu of cold, fried rabbit with Abner. <br> Trying to abide by standards of etiquette, Lum wants to garnish his place settings. Will the affair be worthy of being written up in Lewella Parson’s column? Lum tries to imagine the good impression the party will make on Miss Plat. Speaking of her, Abner has a hard time breaking the news to Lum that it was her, who was randomly picked to cancel the invitation. <br> Lum blows up on Abner, over his brainless way of cancelling the guest of honor. Is there any way to repair the infraction? How is Cedric coming along with his garnish job? He arrives once Lum storms out to report to Abner that the varnish won’t be dry in time. <br>