Being There For You #427

Sexy Marriage Radio show

Summary: <br> On today’s regular version of the show …<br> An email from a wife who has repeated attempted to educate her husband about how she wants sex to unfold, yet is still getting little to no foreplay and routine, unfulfilling sex most of the time.<br> On the Xtended version …<br> Should you expect your spouse to “be there” for you in marriage? What does that even mean?<br> Enjoy the show!<br> __________<br> Got a question?<br> CALL US 214-702-9565<br> Or Email Us at<br> __________<br> SPONSOR:<br> Man OF His Word Mastermind Groups: Go to <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> to learn more.<br> __________<br> Listen to <a href="">Sexy Marriage Radio</a> below …<br> <br> <br> MORE ACCESS<br> Xtended Version<br> <br> Get Xtended episodes in the Academy<br> Get help for your relationship and sex life from the comfort of your own home.<br> This is an opportunity for YOU to fully experience the fact that “The BEST SEX can happen IN the Marriage Bed!” …<br> <a class="button-purple" href="">Join today</a><br> <br> <br> Transcript of Episode<br> Dr. Corey Allan: Where we’re having straightforward, honest conversations that are on your mind with the topics that you’ve got, the questions you have, the curiosities that we’re trying to create an area and a nation, if you will, that if you’ve got a question you don’t know where else to ask, this is the place. So you can call 214-702-9565. Leave a message on what’s on your mind and anything that we can give our two cents to because we want to go where you want to go. So if you like what’s going on here too, we also ask you to jump on iTunes, leave us a review and a rating, or Spotify, or Stitcher, or iHeartRadio, or however you choose to join the nation. We are so glad that you join it every time. So alongside my wife, Pam, as always.<br> Pam: Hey.<br> Dr. Corey Allan: We’re looking forward to wherever we may be going today.<br> Pam: Yeah, looking forward to it.<br> Dr. Corey Allan: Because coming up on today’s regular version, the free version, of Sexy Marriage Radio, we’ve got a couple of your questions and our answers. On the extended version of Sexy Marriage Radio, which is deeper, a little bit longer, and no ads, you can subscribe at You can listen to a little more in-depth conversation Pam and I are going to have about this idea of, “Should you expect your spouse to be there for you?”<br> Pam: All right. Anytime we have the word expect-<br> Dr. Corey Allan: Fair.<br> Pam: … that throws up flags for me, so that’ll be a fun conversation.<br> Dr. Corey Allan: Okay. So all of that is coming up on today’s show. And speaking of today’s show, today’s show is sponsored by the Sexy Marriage Radio Man of His Word Mastermind Groups.<br> Pam: Nice.<br> Dr. Corey Allan: They come around a couple times a year, and so it’s that time of year now for the fall sessions that go on. It’s a six-month commitment. If a man wants to be a part of this group, there’s a application process to be a part of it. So if you are interested, send me an email, That is C-O-R-E-Y, by the way, and let me know you’re interested and we’ll give you the next steps.<br> Dr. Corey Allan: So this came from one of the episodes we did at the getaway with episode 421, which was on Lasting Longer and Squirting, if I remember right, as the title.<br> Pam: Squirting’s always a hit-<br> Dr.